Thursday 1 November 2012

Audience Research


I created a questionnaire that had relevant questions that could help me when developing my magazine, I printed the questionnaire and asked 20 people of the similar age of what i am aiming my magazine towards so that my results could be helpful when i am producing my magazine.

1)      Rate the following magazines

Top Of The Pops - 39/100  
NME - 61/100
Vibe - 83/100
Kerrang - 65/100
Q - 81/100

2)      Rate the following names for a new magazine

G - 70/100
Controversial - 89/100
BRM - 58/100
MIX - 64/100
Beat - 91/100

3)      Who would you prefer to read an article about in a magazine?(You can choose more than one)

Big Sean - 15/20
Kanye West - 16/20
Justin Bieber - 9/20
Jay-Z - 12/20
Frank Ocean - 13/20

4)      What is the most that you would pay for a magazine?

£1.50-£2.00 - 5/20
£2.00-£3.00 - 8/20
£3.00-£4.00 - 4/20
£4.00-£5.00 - 3/20
£5.00+ - 0/20

5)      How often do you buy magazines?

Weekly - 2/20
Monthly - 12/20
Yearly - 1/20
Never - 5/20

6)      the most appealing magazine front cover was Vibe Magazine
7)      Where do you usually buy magazines from?
 General answer was shops and newsagents

8)      What features would make you consider buying a magazine? 
General answer was interesting articles and good pictures

9)      If you saw a free magazine being offered, would you take the articles inside it seriously? (Circle one)

Yes - 15/20
No - 5/20

10)   What is your favourite genre of music?
Rap/R&B - 13/20
Rock - 3/20
Indie - 1/20
Pop- 2/20
Other - 1/20


Overall, my results from the questionnaire were very helpful because the results were similar so there was answers that stood out which means that is an obvious agreement with the target audience.

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